Though only one section of the wall at S’Illot has survived, it is very likely that it surrounded the whole settlement The construction technique is typical of this period, consisting of an outer wall made up of a row of large stones (orthostats) laid vertically on a base of square-cut stones resting directly on the bedrock. The fill and the inner wall of the construction are made from smaller stones. The current state of research into the wall has not revealed the reasons why it is not intact. This could be either because it has not survived or because the work was simply never completed. In either case, the wall at S’Illot probably had various functions, ranging from the strictly defensive to the social (a display of power), as well as an element of urban organisation, enclosing the central part of the settlement. Constructions of this kind are traditionally considered to belong to the transition to the post-Talaiotic period (500-123 BC), a time of change resulting from a peak of insecurity and increasing social stratification. In the case of S’Illot, surveys and datings from work carried out in 2016 suggest that it was built after the 9th century BC and that it probably underwent subsequent refurbishment or alteration during Late Antiquity (c. 500-800 AD).